Thursday, January 25, 2007

Norovirus Sucks

Well, the Yepes clan will be quarantined to home for about a week until we are no longer contagious. Yes, that blasted Norovirus has struck our household. So far I'm the only one to exhibit full symptoms, but we figure Tm brought it home from work as his unit is basically quarantined with the bug. I'm just now starting to feel a little bit better, but last night and yesterday were hellish. Tm stayed home to help take care of the boys, who are not yet showing any symptoms. It's my hope that the magical properties of breast milk will keep them from getting sick.

Please pray for our family and we'll see you again in about a week and a half. It's my understanding that even after symptoms go away, that the virus can be passed on for about a week.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Birthday Present

Well, my birthday present from my hubby finally arrived today. Yes, my birthday was back in December but it was well worth the wait. It feels good to have a ring on my finger again. My wedding ring still doesn't fit (yet) so I am wearing my present on my wedding ring finger and when that hand slims back down the 1/2 size, I'll wear it on my other hand (that has always been slightly bigger sized than the left). I'm so happy! The boys names are inscribed in the ring (silver) with their birthstones (November).

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Time it Takes to Make Toast

I'm writing in the time it takes to make toast, so who knows how much I'll get to write. I guess it depends on my thought processes and how fast I can type. Being a mom is an amazingly difficult and rewarding job. Taking care of these two little babies is certainly a full time job - I really look forward to when Tm comes home to assist with our little ones. They are growing every day, in size and in development. It's wierd to think that even though they are 11 weeks old now, they are only 5 weeks old adjusted for their prematurity. They've been home now for about 9 weeks.

Ding - toast is done.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Recliner x 2

Dario had to get into the act as well. This is at 6am when the boys decided they were hungry.. again! I bet they are going through a growth spurt. No rest for mommy!

Lounging in my Recliner

This picture was taken in the middle of the night / morning (about 4am) after one of those late-night feedings. My son was completely content, lounging in his boppy with his feet up. I had to take a picture. You're so cute, Raymond!
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