Sunday, February 11, 2007


My SIL's neice had 9 month old boy/girl twins - I just found out that a few days ago their little boy died. They woke up one morning, and he had died in the night. They are doing an autopsy to find out whether it was from an illness or SIDS. This is so extremely sad to me. At what point in a child's life can you stop worrying about SIDS? I just can't imagine the horror of waking up one morning to find that your child is gone, just like that. You'd think you could get past a certain point and stop worrying about it. Life is so terribly fragile.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

3 Month Portraits


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Scrapbooking Again?

I had a few extra minutes today while Ray was sleeping and Dario was sitting on my lap at the computer, and thought - why don't I start a scrapbook page? It's been a long time since I did any scrapbooking, even digital, but here it is - my first scrapbook page after the boys have been born. I think the last page I did was when I was 18 weeks pregnant and we found out we were having boys :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

3 Months Old in 3 More Days

Look at these handsome boys! Mommy and Daddy have fun making them laugh and smile these days. Raymond really thinks it's funny when Daddy makes big eyes and a big "O" mouth, and we suspect that Dario is ticklish.

Gone are the days of screaming on the changing table, they don't mind those cold wipes anymore. Ray could be inconsolably crying, but once you put him on the changing table, it's all smiles now. They go tomorrow for their 3-month pediatrician appointment, and Sunday they will officially be 3 months old. Dario has started wearing 3-6 month clothes, and Ray has a little while yet to go in the 0-3 month stuff.

I have two more months off from work before Tm and I switch and I go back to work while he stays at home to care for our boys full time. I really think he's looking forward to it!