Raymond has always hated baths from his first bath in the NICU. Once you start washing his face, he starts getting the fussy face, then you start washing his hair and the screaming starts. Short break while you dry his hair and take off his diaper for the whole body wash, but once he hits the baby bath sling (or actually IN the water in the bath) he goes nuts - hysterical crying. And yes, our bath has a thermometer and the water was not too hot, and I thought also, not too cold.
Well, while we were on a trip out of town, I had to bathe him in a baby bath that did not have a thermometer. So, I just tested the water on my wrist - I think it was a little warmer than usual. Well, with the warmer water and with mommy singing to Raymond the whole time, he hardly fussed at all. Once we got home and he got his next bath, he DIDN'T CRY AT ALL. That was in the sling (only his bottom is in the water, kind of a sponge bath). The next time, I put him directly in the water and again, he DIDN'T CRY AT ALL! I also made sure I fed him right before his bath so I was sure he wasn't hungry.
I wanted to call every single mom I knew and share the news! I would dread giving him his bath because he would cry so hard - I would be giving him a speed-bath, apologizing the whole time. I would give Dario his bath first, then wait awhile kind of pumping myself up for giving Ray his bath. I'd undress him, cuddle and flirt with him cause I knew that soon enough, he'd be wailing. Well, no longer! This is one happy mommy!
Pre Bath photo:
Post Bath Photo:
He's actually happy!!