Thursday, August 16, 2007

Photos and Updates - Sorry for the delay!

Still in Boston, Ray is sporting this shirt that I bought for him.. so any of his "aunties" reading, this ones for you.

In Boston on a "play date" with our friends who also have twin boys, 3 months older than ours.

The night before we broke down their crib for the move, this was one of the last times that the boys had to share a crib.
After crib breakdown, likely a naptime, and we swear this was not posed.
Shortly after arrival in Washington, Dario likes to back himself up while trying to get to sleep, and often ends up with his legs sticking out the crib slats.
If you look closely, Dario's first tooth is poking through his bottom gums! He has 2 now and is working on more.
Ray with his Great Aunt on a visit to my parent's house.

Dario doesn't much like to eat peas, but he apparently doesn't mind wearing them!
Ray will eat just about anything we give him, but often ends up looking like this anyway. They just can't seem to keep their head still while eating.
This is one of our favorite pictures of Dario. Look at that face! He did have a bit of sun in his eyes, and we thought initially that was what made this face happen, but actually we noticed that he does make this face - just not as pronounced - and likely the sun made the face worse.
Enjoying a family picnic with KFC and carrots for the boys on the 4th of July at Marathon Park in Olympia.

Dario & Daddy at the laptop computer likely surfing the net.
Dario with his Grandma Great.
Dario with Grandma K.
Raymond with Grandma Great.

Boys with their Aunt Becky on a surprise visit.
Both boys love to wear and eat their Daddy's hat. This is Ray when we went to visit Grandma K in Ellensburg.
Ray & Dario playing in the infant pool Grandma got for them during our visit to Ellensburg. It was really hot and sunny outside so we set it up in the kitchen so we could avoid having to apply mass amounts of sunblock. The boys had a blast splashing water all over the place.
Happy boys with Grandma K!
Grandma K got out some of Timo's old toys from when he was a baby, including this little wooden rocking horse. The boys loved it!

The boys favorite part of meals is the end when they are finished and we give them the lids to their trays to play with.
We especially love it when Dario flattens out his face causing us to laugh out loud.

Here is Raymond putting his finger up his Grandpa J's nose and apparently also poking out his eye.
The boys are modeling their new bibs from Grandma K who works at Central Washington University.
Dario loves to smile! Look at those teeth.
Happy boys!
Dario & Raymond playing around with their Grandpa N.

So now the update:
Things are moving along finally. When it rains, it pours - all in one week Timo got 3 different job offers, 2 with the VA (different campuses). After much consideration, we decided we will settle in the Olympia area and he took the job at the VA nearby. We secured an apartment, and we'll get the keys on September 7th. We are so excited to finally be getting our own place and that Timo will be starting work. He's sad that he'll be away from the boys so much, he has been home with them for 5 months now! As for me, I'm hoping to stay at home with the boys. We hope that we will be able to afford for me to stay home and plan to try a 3 month trial to work out a budget.
Well I guess that's it for now. I'm working on the computer in the house because the laptop is painfully slow out in the camper. I hope you've enjoyed the photos and I'll try to post more often.