I took a break from sewing bags for the sale and made some bucket hats for my boys. It was a lot of fun to do, but also a lot of work! I don't think I could ever make apparel for sale, but only for love. It took me approximately 10-12 hours to make two of these hats, and that doesn't include shopping for supplies. I decided on the theme by picking out the buttons first, then finding fabric to match.
Ray thinks his new hat is pretty cool, and will wear it outdoors - once we get inside, he tears it off his head.Uh, Dario doesn't much like wearing hats I guess.
I also made the sign for our booth, and sales tags for my items. I plan to write the price and washing instructions on the back of the tags. Since there are going to be 4 of us selling in the one booth, we all decided we needed to put our name or "business name" on our stuff.