Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Time it Takes to Make Toast

I'm writing in the time it takes to make toast, so who knows how much I'll get to write. I guess it depends on my thought processes and how fast I can type. Being a mom is an amazingly difficult and rewarding job. Taking care of these two little babies is certainly a full time job - I really look forward to when Tm comes home to assist with our little ones. They are growing every day, in size and in development. It's wierd to think that even though they are 11 weeks old now, they are only 5 weeks old adjusted for their prematurity. They've been home now for about 9 weeks.

Ding - toast is done.


chrissie k said...

These boys are unbelievable! I'm amazed you have time at all to enter a paragraph. I love seeing them grow... I'm proud of you! I wish I could see you being a mommy.

Are you nursing? I don't know if I know!


Betty said...

I was so happy to see you and the boys yesterday! They are adorable...Dario with a dot--love it. As they get older, you'll be amazed at how much you'll be able to get done within toaster dinging time :-)