Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cute & Handsome

I find myself frequently telling Raymond how cute he is - and apparently, as Tm points out, I tell Dario how handsome he is. Well, here's lookin' at you, babe. My cute and handsome babies, now nearly 5 1/2 months old. This last week (Ray on Wednesday, Dario on Thursday) they both rolled from their backs to their bellies for the first time. And the second time, third time, and on and on. They soon will be adept mobile rollers. Not crawling, not walking, not scooting, but rolling. Today we just took the bumper out of the crib because Dario likes to grab it and stuff it into his mouth.

The transition back to work has gone well thus far. Daddy is doing great at home with the boys - pumping is going well - and I miss them all during the day. I try to make the best of the 2 hours I have each night with them before the boys go to bed, and weekends too. We're starting something of a bedtime routine, and trying a little bit of CIO (cry it out) when they don't go right to sleep. Parenting is a hard yet rewarding job. We love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to hear the transition is going well.