Sunday, November 04, 2007

Too much to post about

The birthday party is over - it went as well as could be.

Got an email Saturday from my prospective childcare provider to say they can't actually work for us, and I start work tomorrow (Monday). Grandma drove from Ellensburg to watch the boys for my orientation and another good friend is going to step in to watch the boys (at her house). Perhaps this is for the best. I'm so past being stressed about anything, because I'm so tired right now.

Will post pictures of the party as soon as I get them from friends - I didn't even get the camera out once. We did get some video, and a good friend took plenty of pictures to share.

1 comment:

yellowinter said...

oh, i can't wait to see those pix! so sorry to hear about the sitter. goodness gracious! two days before you start they tell you? if they are not reliable like that, maybe it is for the best, as you said. i do hope that all will go well with this new transition.
sending you hugs!